The Enterprise Wireless Alliance (EWA) is a trade association and service provider at the forefront of spectrum management and advocacy issues, and provides vital services necessary for the successful deployment of wireless communications. EWA members and clients include wireless sales and service providers, network operators and vendors, and business, industrial, government, and public safety organizations that rely on millions of wireless devices for efficient and secure communications. [more about EWA]
About This Site
The Enterprise Wireless Solutions Center® is a unique online resource for discovering the right wireless technologies, solutions and vendors for your licensed or unlicensed wireless requirements.
Your company, whether a business or government organization of any size, is constantly on the lookout for ways to help manage, protect, and grow your bottom line. You know that wireless technologies and applications can provide the kinds of results you’re looking for, but the trick is finding the right solution and vendor for your specific needs. Enter EWA. Businesses have been working with EWA for more than 50 years on their wireless solutions. Pick one of two programs below to suit your needs.
Vendors! Looking for another approach to reach wireless buyers? Participate in the Enterprise Wireless Solutions Center®.